In an effort to control COVID-19 and put the pandemic in the past, Independence Blue Cross and Rite Aid are partnering up in a major way. Valentino DiGiorgio discusses the strategy:

Independence Blue Cross has been proactive in their work to keep the community safe during the pandemic.  And with cases continuing to pile up, IBC’s determination to do their part remains paramount.  Now, the organization is partnering with Rite Aid to ensure that IBC members will be able to secure COVID-19 vaccine appointments.

Val DiGiorgio is proud of Independence Blue Cross’s push to keep members of their plans and policies safe.  Many individuals have complained about the difficulty in not only securing a vaccine appointment, but locating supply as well.  This move by IBC will ensure that members of their plans will receive hassle-free access to the vaccine.

Valentino DiGiorgio is a longtime active supporter of Independence Blue Cross.  DiGiorgio currently serves as an Advisory Board Member of the organization.